
Silver Birch

We are sorry to say that the beautiful silver birch in our garden has died. It has now been felled. Silver birches are a relatively short lived tree so it could just be old age. We are thinking about a replacement but will not decide until later.

Warwick Meeting has a beautiful garden which is open to the public in the daytime for contemplation and play. In the past part of it was a burial ground for Friends, and there are two gravestones set in the paving by the French windows which remain.

After some active fundraising and generous donations, we have made some changes so that it is more welcoming, wildlife friendly and accessible.  

  • A garden gate onto the High Street is now installed and we are delighted with the result.  Warwick Quakers commissioned the work from Master Blacksmith Michelle J Parker, who designed and made this individual piece of art for us.  We are so pleased that Michelle, who is the first woman blacksmith to have been appointed as a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths, was willing to work with us to design this rather special entrance to our accessible Quaker garden.
  • A wide path has been built which is wheelchair friendly.
  • Wildflowers, native bulbs and trees, and flowering shrubs have been planted.
  • Planting and management for wildlife and biodiversity is ongoing.


  • An arbour has been added, as well as a pergola to provide shade.


  • There is a playhouse for the children and raised beds which our tenants use to grow whatever they choose.



We hope that you can visit if you are walking through Warwick and that you enjoy the peaceful surroundings.

The grass area in front of the French windows is maintained as a lawn but we are working on increasing the number of species there, so except for paths through, we are not mowing from May to July. This encourages a wider variety of insects and other wildlife.